‘Crusing’ for Charity

King’s pupils from all years recently sported purple and yellow when they ran a hefty distance in aid of the local branch of Cruse Bereavement Care, an organisation that offers care and support to bereaved people of all ages. 

Organised by our Sixth Form Charity Committee, this year’s fun run attracted an impressive mass of pupils dressed in Cruse’s staple colours, all gathered on College Green raring to begin. The run was preceded by a cake sale where an entire bakery’s worth of cakes, biscuits and cookies were presented by some generous pupils and staff and sold to hungry students at short break. Only a few morsels of the selection were left over in the aftermath, which were whisked outside close to the finish line to tempt those who finished quick enough to snatch one away. The bake sale managed to raise upwards of £90, an amount added to by the run itself.

Beneath a rather grey sky, participants could be seen signing up and dropping their donations into the buckets, then the runners headed off out of College Green towards Diglis Basin, guided by members of the charity committee in fluorescent jackets. A steady stream of King’s pupils could then be seen on the other side of the river as they skimmed around the clusters of swans and approached New Road. Joy spread across the faces of those running as the home straight came into view, and their pace picked up as the motivation of the cakes was suddenly provided. Slowly but surely runners began to emerge in dribs and drabs, red-faced and thoroughly worn out, but all held a sense of achievement, whatever the pace they completed the route. The afternoon was rounded off pleasantly with runners eagerly devouring leftover cake and cups of squash.

To support Cruse, or to read some of the remarkable stories of people that they have supported, please click the link below or follow @CruseCare:


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