The Emerging Mental Health Crisis

Mental health and the help that people with mental health problems receive is an important topic in the UK. However, this problem has become much more prominent over the course of the coronavirus crisis. There is increasingly deteriorating mental health in this country with a significant lack of support. This needs changing.

Coronavirus lockdowns have led to worsening mental health and many people are struggling to cope. In the last lockdown a study found that suicidal thoughts have increased from 8% to 10% and they were highest among young adults (18-29 years), rising from 12.5% to 14%. One in four respondents experienced at least moderate levels of depressive symptoms. Young people, women, individuals from more socially-disadvantaged backgrounds and those with pre-existing mental health problems reported the worst mental health problems in the initial phase of the national lockdown. You can find out more information about this here:

Coronavirus is affecting student mental health in so many different ways. Mind’s coronavirus survey results revealed the following: people aged 18-24 reported worse mental health and wellbeing during the 2020 UK lockdown with nearly three quarters (73%) of students saying that their mental health declined during the lockdown. This number is only going to increase during the lockdown the UK is now facing this January and beyond. You can find out more at

Despite the NHS website stating that, “We aim to transform mental health services by 2020, with an ambition of putting mental health on an equal footing to physical health,” this has not happened and mental health is still not equal to physical health, with there being long waiting lists and not enough beds, meaning people are not getting the help that they require soon enough and this can sometimes be too late.

We need to solve this mental health crisis and allow people to be able to access the help they need.

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